Top 10 unhealthy foods to Avoid. | hfitnesslifestyle.

Here are some top 10 unhealthy foods that you should Avoid to achieve your fitness goal.

Most of you make these mistakes will making your diet plan by Adding them ! 

Most of You think that they will help you but you dont know that its stopping you to achieve your fitness goal.

1. Sugar.
Sugar is Complete source of empty calories. Sugar don't have any other nutrients instead of only energy.

The best way to consume sugar is through natural sources like - fruits.

You should avoid consuming sugar Through Chocolates,Candy,sweets,etc.

2. Soft Drinks.
Soft drinks Tastes very Good and also they Give you energy for some times because they contain Sugar and Caffiene , but they don't have any Other Nutritious Value,so avoid them !

you can replace them with Lemon water , Milk , and any other natural source of Energy.

3. Refined foods.
You should definitely avoid Refined foods or processed foods, because they are made up of Maida and they do not contain enough fiber. 

Which can lead you to Constipation,Headache and colon cancer.

4. Caffeine.
Caffeine is a Complete source of Energy , and they are mostly Presented in Coffee , which are grown by using pesticides and insecticides.

Some Sources of caffeine are Chocolate,Soft drinks , etc. 

You should avoid them and use Tea or lemon water instead of Coffee.

5. Bottled Fruit juice.
The reason why you should avoid Bottled fruit juice because They contain Sugar in high quantity.

They contain more Fruit Flavours instead of real fruit pulp.

6. Ice cream.
Ice creams doesn't contain any nutritious value and they also contain high levels of sugar.

7. White Breads.
Most people Eat Sandwitches in their Breakfast , it goods but most people use white bread.

Which is Bad for their health , because they are made up of Maida.

You Can use Brown bread instead of white bread.

Brown breads are made up of wheat , which are more nutritious than the White ones.

8. Soya protein.
Soya is the cheapest and mostly used source of protein,but Access of soya protein can cause hormonal imbalance as they raise Estrogen ( female hormone ).

9. Deep fried Snacks.
Deep fried snacks contains High level of Saturated fats. And they don't contain any nutritions like - protein,fiber,iron,etc.

10. Cookies , Pastries , Cupcakes.
Most pastries , Cookies and Cakes are Unhealthy if eaten in excess.

Packaged versions are generally made with refined sugar,refined wheat flour and added fats.

These are the 10 foods that you should Completely Avoid For having you hfitnesslifestyle.

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