Easy ways to Wake up At 5am |hfitnesslifestyle.

Waking up Early is a habit that makes a person more Energetic, More fresh and More focused towards their goal of life.Here are some easy steps that you can follow to wake up 5am🔆.

1)Avoid day Naps😪 :- Avoid sleeping in Daylight. It is common that when people don't have any work , they spend their time by sleeping,which is why they feel hard to sleep untill midnight🌙.

2)Avoid Energy Drinks after 3pm☕ :- After 3pm , Try not to consume Energy drinks like :- Tea,Coffee,etc. Because when you drink them , your body consumes Caffiene which decreases the level of sleep hormones and make it hard for you to sleep early.

3)Shift your Schedule⏰ :- Research shows that an adult body needs 8hrs of sleep function properly.So shift your schedule so you can Wake up early.  If you want to wake up at 5am ? You have to get to sleep untill 10pm🌃.

4)Decrease the Room temperature when you sleep ❄:- Decreasing the room temperature will help you to get to deep sleep faster ❄. So you can wake up early fresh.

5)Set up an alarm clock Away from you⏰ :- set your alarm clock and put it at a distance when you have to walk to it to Stop it. Because when you put your alarm clock just next to your bed , its easy to press the snooze button.but when you put it at a distance and you walk up to it , you're awake😌.

6)Drink Plenty of water at night🍼 :- Drink plenty of water at night,so when the alarm clock rings,your urinary blader will force you to get out of sleep and get to bathroom😅.

7)Remove the Noise 🔇:- Try to keep your bedroom as calm as possible. It helps to not to get disturbed and help to sleep better.

Use this simple steps to sleep better and wake up early as possible, I personally used them and now it became a habit for me to wake up early and give my day a Headstart.
