Is it safe for Womens to do Resistance Training ? | hfitnesslifestyle

Can Womens Do Resistance Training ?
Resistance training is the Best way to build muscles .

Doing resistance training and lifting weights increases strenght in Womens and helps in strengthening their Muscles and Bones.

If you think that Lifting weights will make you look like a Bodybuilder !

Then You're Wrong !

Lifting weight makes your body Toned and gives your Body an awesome and attractive Shape.

How much Weight should womens use ?
It all depends on you ! Its upto you - how much you can lift weight .

Is it safe for Womens to lift heavy weights ?

Yes ! But depends on your Goal .

If your goal is to Lose fat ?

Then you should use Lightweights and Do more Cardio Exercises.

If your Goal is to Build Muscles ?

Then you Can use medium and heavy weights.To look toned i suggest you to use medium weights.

Why is it Importance for womens to lift weights ?
Womens are very less active in Resistance training and lifting weights.

That's why they are not in a good shape and they lack Strength and most important They lack Confidence.

Yes !! Lifting weights and having good physique and increased strength Boosts your Confidence.

What age group of Womens Should do resistance Training ?
It doesn't matter whether you are a 13yrs old teenager , 25yrs old youngster or even if you are a 60 yrs old women ! It doesn't matter !! 

You can lift weights and have a good physique and Boosted Confidence.

Which Exercises should you perform ?
You Have to train your Every muscle groups - Chest ,arms, Abs, Shoulder , etc.

But If you are a Begginer ! Then you should perform some basic Exercises like :-

Bicep curls , Crunches , straight Rows ( for the back ) and most important Squats.

Anybody Can train themself , It doesn't matter whether you are a boy or a girl !

Anyone can Perform Resistance training , weight training , bodyweight exercises.

Keep training , Workout on a regular basis and focus on your Deit .

You will Achieve the awesome physique you want !

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