Build a perfect Chest at Home without Weights : Beginners workout Series | hfitnesslifestyle

Welcome to the Beginners Home workout series of hfitnesslifestyle.

Series #1 Chest.

Building a Perfect chest at home without free weights.

If you think that Building muscles are only be Done by using Massive weights ?

Then you're wrong !

Yes ! You need Weights to build muscles but do you know ! You can use your own Bodyweight to build muscles.

In this Article we are helping you to build a strong muscular chest at your home without any equipments using your own weight.

We are showing you the best exercises that can help you to build massive Chest at home.

1. Regular Pushups.
Regular pushups is an exercises that everyone is familiar with , pushups is a great exercise to build muscles as they target the whole chest.

2. Inclined pushups.
Inclined pushups are very similar to regular pushups but you have to put your upper body on Surface upper than the surface of your lower Body.

You can use bench to put your upper body on.

Area targets : Lower Chest ( lower pec )

3. Declined Pushups.
To perform this !
You have to put your lower body in the above surface than your upper body.

You can use bench to put your lower body on.

4. Diamond pushups.
To perform diamond pushups,you have to get on pushups position with your finger making a triangular shape.

Area targets :- Center of the chest and Triceps.

You can perform dips on the Bars , or you can also use Handles of chair.

Area targets :- lower chest and triceps.

6. Inclined chest press.

At home , if you have dumbbells then awesome, but you can also use School bags as well.

Area targets :- Upper chest.

That's it guys !!

You can perform these beginners Home Chest workouts to build a massive Chest as quickly as using free weights.

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Our next Part of the series will be published on Next Monday (13-4-2020)

Until then !
