How to be more productive and focused ? | hfitnessliftyle

Why You Can't focus on your Goal ?

You Know the truth is that,No one Can be productive All the time.

at some point we all feel lazy,Overwhelmed and exhausted.

You can't Be productive all the time but you can be productive Most of the time.

It can only be Controlled by you...

This Blog is not about 5-10 Methods of being productive, NO !

In This blog we are going really Deep , Why you Lose focus all the Time and Can't finish what you have Started...

OK ! lets get Straight into it..

When you Start anything,

The First step - You're Excited... You're like - Yeah ! I'm gonna Do this..

And then you take Another step, And Another step.

And you're like ,"Hell , this is pretty hard man".

The enthusiasm from the beginning starts to fade out.

You lost sight of the long term Goal, and it faded.

It faded from memory, And the passion dried up, So we stopped the Daily tasks that will allow us to achieve our Goals.

And you begin to Rationalize.

"Maybe I can't. Maybe I don't really want to. Maybe this Goal isn't for me".

And so you give up. You let it Go. And you Settle.

You settle for the Status quo , You settle for the easy road , You settle for "Oh well".

NO ! don't do that.

If I don't finally get my focus in Check, If I keep wandering around distracted, If I keep looking at every new thing that pops up, 

if i keep trying every single new opportunity, if I keep saying yes to everything, if I keep listening to Everybody's complaints, if I keep doing whatever they ask me to do,

at some point , you'll lose your life.

Embed that long term goal in your mind, Burn it into your soul.

Think about it , write about it , talk about it , hang it up on your wall.

But most important , Do something about it , everyday.

I want that long-term goal to be so embedded in my mind that i never lose sight of it. Ever.

And the little tasks, and projects, and short-term goals that you tackle need to lead towards strategic victory, winning the long war.

Start working a plan to get there, and minimizing everything else.

Getting very clear on the mission. Very clear on the mission. And working the plan. Everything else,guess what it gets?

A no.

When you do things,do them intentional.

Do the things that are gonna move you forward. There's no getting around it, there's no shortcuts, there's no cutting corners, it just takes time.

Focus on what you do,become the best at it,put in the time, Pay the dues , and eventually great things are gonna start happening.

Everyday do something that moves you toward that goal, that keeps that goal alive and insight , and in focus.

however small or insignificant that step might seem,take it.

Do it, make it happen.

Because that goal isn't going to achieve itself.

it's is all on you.

That's it for now !

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