How to Stop yourself from distraction ? | hfitnesslifestyle

How Everyday Distraction are Affecting you Badly ?

None of us wake up and say today is the day i destroy my life.

What we do , is we make these teeny-tiny decisions.... All day long.

We don't realize it,all day long these teeny-tiny decisions take you so far off track.

And you wake up like i did and you look at your life and think "How the hell did i get here ?" , And you have no idea !

Why you Should get rid of Everyday Distractions ?

it is never been so easy to spend the Best hours of your days Chasing distractions.

You can be 'Distracted' or You can get 'Epic work done' but You Can't do both !

Some People they Can't focus anymore ( the Victim is addicted to distraction )

"When leader is mono-maniacly focused on a few things".

So they do not dilute the bandwidth of their focus , their Energy and their Attention.

How To Get rid of Your Distractions ?

I'm suggesting to you "You don't build a wide life and a wide career, But you Go really-really deep."

You have to stay in your lane,You have to keep the main thing,the main thing,You have to stay on your mission and not be distracted.

You know what you have to do, You're paying to be , what you have to be and don't let anybody to distract you from getting your job done !

You're paying for what you do and what you produce and not for what you are distracted from doing !

Divorce yourself from the heard , Get serious about this !

This is your Game ! , It's your Life !

Before you Know it,you'll be at the End, You know life goes by in a Blink.

Start the process of breaking your "addiction" to "Distraction" Today.

How to realize - What are the Distractions that are Holding you back ?

Think about how you spend your time ! 

Is it being wasted? Or, its being Utilized?

The stuff in front of you and find every area of your life where you just like- 'God ! i spent to much time for doing stupid stuff !' and get rid of it.

So you end up wasting no energy on doing things that don't matter and focusing on things that actually matter !

What will happen when you Stop being distracted ?

"When you understand that you always had a Choice to go from - Autopilot to decision maker, Everything in you life will change."

Because you'll realize the amount of garbage that you put in the way of your hopes,of your Dreams,of your potential, Everything comes down to Decisions that we make !

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