6 reasons you are losing muscles instead of fat | fat loss mistakes.

6 reasons you are losing muscles instead of fat.

Why you Need to Read this?

For most people, losing fat seems to be a very hard task but when people get motivated and work hard and because of their some tiny mistakes that they don’t know, they don’t get any results and they quit.

In this Blog post I’m going to tell you about those mistakes, so it won’t happen to you what happens to most people and they quit.

Mistake 1: Losing muscle instead of Fat.

Most people focus on losing weight instead of focusing on losing fat.

So, what you have to do is – Maintain your Resistance training and you have to keep lifting weights.

Mistake 2: Not focusing on Workouts.

If you think that you need to workout only when you have to Gain muscles ? then you're wrong my friend.

You need to maintain a Workout routine so you can maintain muscles and lose fat at the same time.

Mistake 3: Fasting instead of Maintaining Calories.

To lose fat, you have to eat in a calorie deficit. but most people do Fasting instead of tracking their calories.

Which leads them to Low energy level and Muscle loss.

Mistake 4: Eliminating fat from diet.

You don't have to eliminate fat from your diet. Your body needs fat to maintain the Energy and to function your body properly.

Ex :- fat is like a Machine Oil for your engine.

Mistake 5: Not weighing regularly.

You have to weigh yourself regularly to track the progress of your fat loss.

Weighing yourself regularly keeps you motivated to keep going on your mission.

Mistake 6: Cutting your water intake.

While losing fat most people decrease their Water intake. Your Body requires 74% water to function properly. Lack of Water can cause dehydration and Muscle loss.

that's it ! these are the 6 mistakes that most people still making and might don't know !

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